HSSM 2023 First Year Application Form
We are excited to have you join us for The Hermanus School of Supernatural (HSSM) 2023.
To apply for HSSM 2023, you will need to do the following in this order:
- Pay the once-off HSSM fee or the first months payment
- Save a digital copy of the proof of payment
- Complete the application form
- Attach your proof of payment
- Press the REGISTER button at the bottom of the application form
Please be aware that all our school communication, assignment submission and Online Platform access are via our students email addresses. If you currently do not have an email address, you need to register for one before completing this application.
One of the main components of HSSM is the ONLINE PLATFORM, which is accessed through the GO LEARN APP. For this reason we strongly advise that you have access to a SMART PHONE on which to download this app, as well as a minimum of 2GB of data per month to listen to compulsory teachings. The ONLINE PLATFORM can also be accessed via PC, with internet access.
Be sure to fill in all question windows which are marked with an * (red asterisk). If the question is not relevant to you, you can fill in "NONE" or N/A. This form will take some time to fill in, so please read every question carefully and allow yourself enough time to complete it.
Please Note: As per the POPI Act, your personal information will not be shared outside the school's administration and care will be taken with sensitive information.